SL : Transcript de la réunion NASA Colab

En résumé, Jet a mené la réunion en vocal et la plupart des points intéressants ont
été retranscrits ci dessous :

- Conférence lors du FOSE

- Extension de NISER : NASA' Use of Immersive Environments

- Création du Wiki de la NASA (Les inscriptions ne sont pas encore ouvertes)

- Discussion sur la structure du colab in world, éventuel nouveau logo

- Politique de gestion des droits sur les sims NASA

Et plein d'autres choses qui ont été dites mais pas notées !!! Malgré tout, mention spéciale aux "speakers" qui parlent calmement et distinctement (je serais ravi d'avoir des clients qui fassent cet effort en RL).

[12:45] Bear Bigboots: hey Everyone
[12:45] Bear Bigboots: Hey!
[12:46] Enzooo Sellers: hi
[12:59] Jet Burns: Hello everyone
[12:59] Jet Burns: I'm on voice and text
[13:00] Enzooo Sellers: hi
[13:01] Jet Burns: Hello
[13:01] Anya Heberle est connecté(e)
[13:01] Jet Burns: Canned message: Any agenda items please IM me.
[13:02] Jet Burns: I'm using voice chat and text
[13:02] Jet Burns: Hello Archivist.
[13:02] Archivist Llewellyn: Hi Jet
[13:02] Jet Burns: Can you hear my voice?
[13:02] Archivist Llewellyn: I don't have sound at the moment
[13:02] Jet Burns: gotcha
[13:02] Universa Vanalten: hey folks!
[13:03] Universa Vanalten: we on voice?
[13:03] slack7639 Gigamon: i can hear!
[13:03] slack7639 Gigamon: i haven't seen devery since phoenix landing
[13:03] Universa Vanalten: ok..think i've got the voice thing down ;-)
[13:03] slack7639 Gigamon: a year ago!
[13:03] Enzooo Sellers: or french
[13:03] Devery Barrymore: So sorry, missed you all. Been in world giving lots of lectures on SL for various universities.
[13:03] Universa Vanalten: we heard Korii today ;-)
[13:04] Devery Barrymore: Been in and out for business and meetings. Living on Twitter as well these days.
[13:04] Universa Vanalten: i hear that Dev ;-)
[13:04] Jet Burns: We use voice for future meetings I'll try to type and chat at same time.
[13:04] slack7639 Gigamon: i can hear!
[13:05] Jet Burns: We can hear Universa
[13:07] kerunix Flan est déconnecté(e)
[13:08] Salamanca Congrejo: Hey, Sine. You're sitting on me.
[13:08] Caledonia Heron: what's the agenda?
[13:08] Sine Arrow: Sorry. Little has rezzed.
[13:08] Jet Burns: If you have voice, but listen only, please say aye
[13:09] Jet Burns: aye
[13:09] slack7639 Gigamon: aye
[13:09] Enzooo Sellers: aye
[13:09] Devery Barrymore: Aye
[13:09] Paradox Olbers: aye
[13:09] Salamanca Congrejo: ay
[13:09] Sine Arrow: aye
[13:09] Salamanca Congrejo: 4 now
[13:09] slack7639 Gigamon: there is no way to these other worlds without warp drive is there
[13:09] Greyark Hightower: The old scifi stand by was the generations colony ship.
[13:10] Anya Heberle est déconnecté(e)
[13:10] Jet Burns: We'll get started
[13:10] Jet Burns: first slower type and talk
[13:10] Jet Burns: and chew gum
[13:10] Greyark Hightower: Good luck with that. I can either type or speak but not both.
[13:10] Caledonia Heron: ok, I'm going to type while Jet talks :)
[13:11] Caledonia Heron: we're waiting for Be, we'll move JobEx to the end of agenda
[13:11] Greyark Hightower: I'll type while Jet talks too. It may not be related.
[13:11] Caledonia Heron: hopefully Be will show up
[13:11] Caledonia Heron: 1st item - formation of niser
[13:11] Greyark Hightower: NASA Immersive Synthetic Enviroments Research team
[13:11] Caledonia Heron: nasa immersive synthetic envir reseach
[13:12] Caledonia Heron: strating to take place, formulating community
[13:12] Greyark Hightower: Humbug. We formed 18 months ago.
[13:12] Caledonia Heron: announced today - an official wiki page
[13:12] Caledonia Heron: for collab at
[13:12] Greyark Hightower: This is just a coming out event.
[13:12] Salamanca Congrejo: lol
[13:12] Paradox Olbers: :)
[13:12] Greyark Hightower: I'm planning on getting a new dress for the occassion.
[13:12] laFayette Beaumont est déconnecté(e)
[13:13] Caledonia Heron: can people login as guest?
[13:13] Caledonia Heron: a procedure to sign-in, to self register
[13:13] Caledonia Heron: sign in goes through company called etouch
[13:13] Caledonia Heron: they will set up your loging
[13:13] Caledonia Heron: login
[13:14] Caledonia Heron: dod, academia and public are associate members
[13:14] Caledonia Heron: that means different perms re posting/editing/make new pages ... kind of tbd at this time
[13:15] Caledonia Heron: leaders of communities may have different perms/more perms
[13:15] Caledonia Heron: we're still figuring it out
[13:15] Caledonia Heron: while leaning to as much freedom and collaboration as we can
[13:16] Caledonia Heron: so it's about complying within nasa regs
[13:17] Enzooo Sellers: self reg has opened yet ?
[13:17] Caledonia Heron: no not yet Enzooo
[13:17] Caledonia Heron: in fact you will have to go through etouch to reg
[13:17] Caledonia Heron: Jet is going to tell us how that works
[13:18] Enzooo Sellers: ok you may put infos on the first page
[13:18] Paradox Olbers: So etouch reg is also TBD :)
[13:18] Caledonia Heron: we'll post info on how to reg
[13:18] Caledonia Heron: we have to work with etouch, they are service provider
[13:18] Paradox Olbers: yes...
[13:18] Caledonia Heron: this is part of nasa's extranet
[13:18] Paradox Olbers: great
[13:19] Caledonia Heron: big step
[13:19] Caledonia Heron: forward
[13:19] Paradox Olbers: lol!
[13:19] Salamanca Congrejo: lol
[13:19] Caledonia Heron: if we do voice we won't have a transcript
[13:19] Greyark Hightower: woohoo! no transcript.
[13:19] Salamanca Congrejo: ugh
[13:19] Caledonia Heron: lol
[13:20] Greyark Hightower: I've already said I was buying a dress for the NISER coming out ball. Who wants that in the minutes.
[13:20] Caledonia Heron: maybe paraphrasing covers it
[13:20] Archivist Llewellyn: No transcript is a problem for the archives.
[13:20] slack7639 Gigamon: get that voice to text program, naturally speaking?
[13:20] Caledonia Heron: we can research solutions to that
[13:20] Greyark Hightower: Is that still by Dragon?
[13:20] Enzooo Sellers: Eclipse ...
[13:21] Caledonia Heron: for the moment, I am typing what Jet is saying, pretty much :)
[13:21] Salamanca Congrejo: I was thinking of using Virtual Accessibilities VoiceMax tools
[13:21] Caledonia Heron: we'll try it, it's an experiment
[13:21] Salamanca Congrejo: to voice the chat
[13:21] slack7639 Gigamon: i haven't looked at it in a while, but yes that sounds like it, dragon
[13:21] Caledonia Heron: it does seem "quieter"
[13:21] Caledonia Heron: :)
[13:21] slack7639 Gigamon: i didn't have a use for it, i like to type
[13:21] Paradox Olbers: fewer text devients...
[13:22] Caledonia Heron: rules of engagement for speakers
[13:22] Greyark Hightower: That's partly because only you and Jet are speaking. So it's like a two way conversation and we don't want to interupt.
[13:22] Anya Heberle est connecté(e)
[13:22] Greyark Hightower: Plus it is a small turn out today.
[13:22] Caledonia Heron: being aware of back channel comms
[13:22] Sine Arrow: *All* speaking is becoming interactive!!
[13:22] Greyark Hightower: Yeah. We use to have to pass notes.
[13:22] Caledonia Heron: speakers now have to remember there are multi-confabs going especially if speaker is really boring or has a good message
[13:23] Caledonia Heron: plus all us add folks
[13:23] Caledonia Heron: make that ADD folks :)
[13:23] Salamanca Congrejo: What, I was looking at Twitter? ;-)
[13:23] Paradox Olbers: good synergy with audience posting relevant links
[13:23] Greyark Hightower: So if I am good or bad at speaking, people will chat more to each other?
[13:23] Anya Heberle: hello everybody
[13:23] Enzooo Sellers: you can show your twitter in world
[13:23] Greyark Hightower: I cannot underscore Burns enough.
[13:24] Sine Arrow: Hi Anya!
[13:24] Caledonia Heron: if people are twittering ... (personal ad) add Jet_Burns to follow list
[13:24] Universa Vanalten: how's that Enzooo?
[13:24] Anya Heberle: its good to be hear, what you laughing at
[13:24] Salamanca Congrejo: I'm SalCongrejo, but I don't ever post. ;-)
[13:24] Caledonia Heron: flagrant, no Flagrant personal ad :)
[13:24] Enzooo Sellers:
[13:24] Greyark Hightower: Pumlic?
[13:24] Caledonia Heron: ditto, don't post :)
[13:24] slack7639 Gigamon: twitta
[13:24] Caledonia Heron: spying :)
[13:24] Salamanca Congrejo: Keeping tabs on Jet. ;-)
[13:25] Anya Heberle: get lost in a social black hoe or the moon full of c...ooh and cheese
[13:25] Salamanca Congrejo: lol
[13:25] Paradox Olbers: :))
[13:25] Greyark Hightower: Those are some killer boots Anya.
[13:25] Universa Vanalten: thx Enzooo will ck it out
[13:25] Caledonia Heron: any other agenda items?
[13:26] Eyron Dryke est connecté(e)
[13:26] Enzooo Sellers: I saw a web tribune < - > SL chat project too
[13:26] Caledonia Heron: 2 things, JobEx proposal and new way to roundtable
[13:26] Greyark Hightower: What distinguishes a round table item from an agenda item?
[13:26] Caledonia Heron: roundtable, we're going around to everyone, you have to speak up when the group is asked if they have anything to announce or discuss
[13:26] Anya Heberle: unfortunately
[13:27] Greyark Hightower: I thought the open floor was a pit trap.
[13:27] Caledonia Heron: used to be "open floor" now "roundtable" :)
[13:27] Anya Heberle: mr pilot is gaining his poitical schwing again
[13:27] Caledonia Heron: JobEx proposal - CoLab community needs to vote
[13:27] Caledonia Heron: NISER sees no nasa red flags
[13:27] Greyark Hightower: That's the Mars ball on the table marked JobEx Proposal.
[13:28] Caledonia Heron: NISER is just the nasa sounding board to make sure everything is nasa kosher
[13:28] Permissions insuffisantes pour voir le script.
[13:28] JobEx Proposal 2.0 owned by Caledonia Heron gave you 'JobEx Proposal 2.0' ( ).
[13:28] Caledonia Heron: anything posted is ok as long as it does not appear to be endorsed by nasa, that is a volunteer announcement
[13:29] Anya Heberle: ow can we help
[13:29] Caledonia Heron: do we need to have Be here to vote?
[13:29] Anya Heberle: how
[13:29] Sine Arrow: Aye
[13:29] Salamanca Congrejo: aye
[13:29] Paradox Olbers: aye
[13:29] Caledonia Heron: aye
[13:29] Devery Barrymore: Aye
[13:29] Jet Burns: aye
[13:29] Greyark Hightower: This is not a change in policy. Just restating the way it's always pretty much been.
[13:29] Universa Vanalten: aye
[13:29] Greyark Hightower: eye
[13:29] Caledonia Heron: that's correct Grey
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: any opposed say nay
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: final call for nays
[13:30] Anya Heberle: gainst what!!
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: Unanimously passed
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: approved!!
[13:30] Sine Arrow: The Jobex proposal, Anya.
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: shall I IM Be?
[13:30] Anya Heberle: i vote yay/
[13:30] Greyark Hightower: The JobEX proposal to put up a listing of space related jobs.
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: ok, will do
[13:31] Caledonia Heron: rebranding colab island... keep colab name is open for debate
[13:31] Caledonia Heron: ideas being entertained for logos,
[13:31] Salamanca Congrejo: I vote to keep the name, though.
[13:31] Anya Heberle: YAY!
[13:32] Salamanca Congrejo: People know it.
[13:32] Caledonia Heron: don't we have a brand being CoLab
[13:32] Caledonia Heron: people know us
[13:32] Sine Arrow: How much will that be affected by our original sponsor in Ames Research Center?
[13:32] Anya Heberle: like that
[13:32] Greyark Hightower: The OSS used to have a brand too.
[13:32] Sine Arrow: So it is not funded past the new year??
[13:32] Caledonia Heron: RL CoLab effort didn't go over so Jet thinks we should rename
[13:33] Paradox Olbers: well, Cal, are we NISER-CoLab, or NISER on CoLab?
[13:33] Greyark Hightower: Let's call it "The new administrator is cool" island.
[13:33] Caledonia Heron: I thought NISER is a component of CoLab ... may be wrong Para
[13:33] slack7639 Gigamon:
[13:34] Greyark Hightower: NISER was concieved independent of Colab.
[13:34] Caledonia Heron: UV mentions that may like to wait for transition team recommendations
[13:34] Caledonia Heron: other item, new logo for CoLab
[13:34] Caledonia Heron: ??
[13:34] Enzooo Sellers: FYI
[13:35] Caledonia Heron: personally neutral on logo
[13:35] Salamanca Congrejo: The full one does have the RL concept, I think.
[13:35] Caledonia Heron: how about we post or solicit for logo ideas and see what we get
[13:35] Sine Arrow: Not offensive is good, and Rare!
[13:35] Universa Vanalten: i suggest tabling logo along with re-branding..they should go hand in hand imo
[13:35] Caledonia Heron: if we get something we like we could use it
[13:35] Sine Arrow: OK
[13:35] Salamanca Congrejo: But don't call it a logo. ;-)
[13:35] Greyark Hightower: My understanding was that NISER was stepping into manager Colab Island to replace the dearly departed RL Colab office.
[13:36] Paradox Olbers: yes Enzoo, when i looked at an acronym directory, only the India org sowed under NISER :)
[13:36] Caledonia Heron: ok, how about we keep it on the back burner
[13:36] Greyark Hightower: Go with Colab Island (a NISER project)
[13:36] Salamanca Congrejo: Maybe NASA Central
[13:36] slack7639 Gigamon: Colab2
[13:37] Greyark Hightower: Elvis?
[13:37] Caledonia Heron: rebranding idea brought forward to signify transition
[13:37] Ange Zanetti est connecté(e)
[13:37] Caledonia Heron: roundtable time!
[13:37] Caledonia Heron: anyone?
[13:37] Greyark Hightower: you
[13:38] slack7639 Gigamon: why didn't colab continue as is?
[13:38] Caledonia Heron: type ME!! and Jet will call on you
[13:38] Sine Arrow: No money....
[13:38] Caledonia Heron: yes Sine, bottom line
[13:38] Caledonia Heron: full RL CoLab did not get picked up financially at new fiscal year
[13:39] slack7639 Gigamon: k
[13:39] slack7639 Gigamon: ty
[13:39] Salamanca Congrejo: We still need to find continuing funding for SL CoLab, right? Or has JPL or Greyark picked it up?
[13:39] Lisalola Jewell est déconnecté(e)
[13:39] Caledonia Heron: SL CoLab was one part of CoLab effort.... RL CoLab had many prongs, we were one
[13:39] Salamanca Congrejo: Beyond this fiscal.
[13:39] Caledonia Heron: Now we are the continued successful element
[13:39] Salamanca Congrejo: Ongoing?
[13:39] Caledonia Heron: hey I wrote a lot of email on that :)
[13:39] Enzooo Sellers: I TP another frog
[13:40] Devery Barrymore: I did pick up the funding for NASA CoLab and Explorer Island in SL.
[13:40] Lisalola Jewell est connecté(e)
[13:40] Devery Barrymore: All set now with Linden.
[13:40] Salamanca Congrejo: Well, thank you very much.
[13:40] Caledonia Heron: so, now officially sl CoLab is nasa paid through jpl
[13:40] Devery Barrymore: My pleasure :-)
[13:40] Caledonia Heron: yes, thank you Jeanne
[13:40] Caledonia Heron: sorry, Devery :)
[13:41] Universa Vanalten: lol!
[13:41] Devery Barrymore: Yes, I asked that Linden let me personally know if there are any issues.
[13:41] Devery Barrymore: No worries, I'll answer to SL or RL names :-)
[13:41] Enzooo Sellers: you know to explain the private joke in the wiki
[13:41] Sine Arrow: Speaking of Teen Grid, have wee heard anything about merging it with Main Grid.
[13:41] Caledonia Heron: any more items?
[13:41] Sine Arrow: ??
[13:41] Caledonia Heron: no new news
[13:41] Sine Arrow: Beyond Philip in the blog.
[13:42] Salamanca Congrejo: yes
[13:43] Salamanca Congrejo: More than one person.
[13:43] Caledonia Heron: we will look into shifting ownership of island, settin ability to manage island
[13:43] Caledonia Heron: setting*
[13:43] Paradox Olbers: Sine - expand on " Philip in the blog" a post by Rosedale?
[13:44] Devery Barrymore: Yes, making sure everyone has easy access to appropriate rights
[13:44] Caledonia Heron: we are funneling nasa group activities through Welcome to NASA group
[13:44] Sine Arrow: Yes, Para. Philip posted a mention some months ago... Have not heard more since.
[13:44] Paradox Olbers: thx Sine
[13:45] Greyark Hightower: I don't think there has been anything published since the initial remarks.
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: so CoLab groups, umbrellas announcement group "Welcome to NASA", streamling groups based on functionality
[13:46] Sine Arrow: It's nice to dream! ;-)
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: ha ha Sine :)
[13:46] slack7639 Gigamon: a good dream, the funding will appear
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: ok, motion to adjourn?
[13:46] Salamanca Congrejo: 2nd
[13:46] Universa Vanalten: 2nd
[13:46] Sine Arrow: second!
[13:47] Paradox Olbers: ...or it's a paper spacecraft
[13:47] Sine Arrow: Aye!
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: awesome
[13:47] Paradox Olbers: aye
[13:47] Universa Vanalten: ouch!
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: before we break does this format work?
[13:47] Anya Heberle: whaaaaa
[13:47] Zen Zeddmore est déconnecté(e)
[13:47] Anya Heberle: a space sim ???
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: using voice, +text?
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: and a lot of typing?
[13:47] Sine Arrow: It seems to....
[13:47] Enzooo Sellers: plus a powerpoint presentation
[13:47] Universa Vanalten: i think so...will probably6 get better with experience
[13:47] Paradox Olbers: fasterbandwidth with voice/text combo
[13:48] Sine Arrow: Lysdexics will love it! :-)
[13:48] Devery Barrymore: Was a lot faster with discussion and decisions.
[13:48] Caledonia Heron: we're trying to improve meeting management
[13:48] Ange Zanetti: Hello
[13:48] Caledonia Heron: I agree, easier to make decisions
[13:48] Universa Vanalten: definitely more info/agenda items covered
[13:48] Greyark Hightower: It's easier to distinguish heckling from serious input.
[13:48] Caledonia Heron: Vanna
[13:48] Universa Vanalten: less overchat
[13:48] Caledonia Heron: :)
[13:48] Salamanca Congrejo: Ed McMahon
[13:49] Greyark Hightower: Ed who? How old are you?
[13:49] Caledonia Heron: we're done
[13:49] Caledonia Heron: !!
[13:49] Sine Arrow: OK!
[13:49] Universa Vanalten: ciao folks! gonna check out Twitter/Second Life
[13:49] Anya Heberle: oh my gosh
[13:49] Ange Zanetti: cya on twitter Unversa
[13:49] Devery Barrymore est déconnecté(e)
[13:50] Sine Arrow: Bye All!
[13:50] Caledonia Heron: bye Sine :)
[13:50] Ange Zanetti: uh i'm really late ahahah
[13:50] Salamanca Congrejo: Unless it's private.
[13:50] Ange Zanetti: just popup in the end :)
[13:50] Salamanca Congrejo: I mean sign up process
[13:51] Enzooo Sellers: on the voice thing I'm happy I got most of it
[13:51] Anya Heberle: wowee
[13:51] Anya Heberle: so what system did he say he would be mining?
[13:51] Anya Heberle: whos speaking?
[13:52] Enzooo Sellers: as a hobbyist sound engineer, it may not be the best idea
[13:52] Anya Heberle: i hang around here alot it wouldbe good to add you
[13:52] Anya Heberle: ok
[13:52] slack7639 Gigamon: text only is kind of nice
[13:52] Enzooo Sellers: old school
[13:52] Anya Heberle: how do you spell eve?
[13:52] Anya Heberle: that space game they are playing?
[13:53] Greyark Hightower: I know he is playing EVE Online. I did not catch which system/server he's on.
[13:54] Anya Heberle: ohh is it free?
[13:54] Anya Heberle: and how did your Nasa Call go?
[13:54] Greyark Hightower: My NASA call was just a budget question. Not about our panel afterall.
[13:54] Anya Heberle: good I hope
[13:54] Anya Heberle: righty
[13:54] Anya Heberle: i had fun lol
[13:55] slack7639 Gigamon: how is the generation to generation plan supposed to work, u need a lot of supplies along the way to the nearest planet
[13:55] Anya Heberle: i was thinking they were phoning me to get me kicked from the sim for my blather
[13:55] Greyark Hightower: I believe EVE has a monthly subscription fee.
[13:55] Greyark Hightower: No one has ever phoned me to complain about you Anya:)
[13:56] Greyark Hightower: It's scifi Slack. It usually has some fictional component where you could raise food in the ship to sustain everyone.
[13:57] Greyark Hightower: Also, crygenic sleep was or is a common science fiction convention for getting us across light years.
[13:57] slack7639 Gigamon: yes, i saw silent running
[13:57] Greyark Hightower: In Silent Running they seemed to have a whole farm for very few people.
[13:57] slack7639 Gigamon: can gravity be simulated in a rotating ship?
[13:58] Greyark Hightower: Yes.
[13:58] slack7639 Gigamon: the way the satellites spin
[13:59] slack7639 Gigamon: they spin like that so when you burn the thruster, they can travel in an accurate direction?
[13:59] slack7639 Gigamon: the centrifical force enables this?
[13:59] Greyark Hightower: One system I have seen proposed would be to counter weight the spacecraft with an weight on the end of a tether and then rotated the around a mid point on the tether.
[14:00] slack7639 Gigamon: the ISS was not designed for this
[14:00] Anya Heberle: great i will mork harder lol
[14:01] slack7639 Gigamon: maybe because the solar panels are attached, and the space shuttle has to be able to dock
[14:02] slack7639 Gigamon: where did greyark go?
[14:03] Gavril Dryke: crashed most likelly
[14:03] slack7639 Gigamon: it looked like he was going to type something
[14:03] Gavril Dryke: DST started already?
[14:03] slack7639 Gigamon: last sunday at 2 am
[14:03] Gavril Dryke: I missed the meeting.......
[14:03] Gavril Dryke: lol
[14:04] Gavril Dryke: Arizona doesn't do DST.......
[14:04] slack7639 Gigamon: wow, i thought everyone did
[14:04] PaulGG Dreamscape: Sorry I missed everything everyone...
[14:04] slack7639 Gigamon: i know in the uk they don't, the naked scientis sunday was an hour later after i switched here in est
[14:04] Gavril Dryke: Ariozona and somewhere in the mid-west
[14:05] Gavril Dryke: well, next week I suppose.....
[14:05] slack7639 Gigamon: yea it just ended
[14:05] Gavril Dryke: just my luck... anyone have the minutes?
[14:06] slack7639 Gigamon: they did voice
[14:06] slack7639 Gigamon: with soso transcription
[14:06] Gavril Dryke: .....
[14:06] Gavril Dryke: well, good day
[14:06] slack7639 Gigamon: laters tc
[14:06] PaulGG Dreamscape: talk to y'all later.
[14:06] slack7639 Gigamon: i have to to some chores now
[14:07] slack7639 Gigamon: laters eveyone


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