SL : NASA Colab reunion du mardi 28 avril 2009

[12:59] PhilippeO Janus est connecté(e)
[12:59] Rocket Sellers est connecté(e)
[12:59] mimi12 Hanfoi est connecté(e)
[12:59] Surfaqua Oh est connecté(e)
[12:59] kerunix Flan est connecté(e)
[12:59] Cunigula Larsson est connecté(e)
[12:59] Demonia Arliss est connecté(e)
[12:59] Eyron Dryke est connecté(e)
[12:59] Quantum Clipper est connecté(e)
[12:59] ssm2017 Binder est connecté(e)
[12:59] Kaelin Skytower: lol
[12:59] Connexion au chat vocal du Monde en cours…
[12:59] Greyark Hightower: I am not promising to not take over under other circumstances. Stay on your toes, Jet.
[13:00] Connecté(e)
[13:00] Prng Flagstaff: Hi Jet, your mic seems a bit "hot", voice starting to distort / overdrive.
[13:00] Prng Flagstaff: Thanks, that should do it.
[13:00] Universa Vanalten: o good...didn't land on anyone ;-)
[13:00] Greyark Hightower: Shielded? Like giant ferme cages? Or moer Star Trekky?
[13:00] Sine Arrow: Hi All!
[13:01] slack7639 Gigamon: rocket, holster that weapon
[13:01] Universa Vanalten: hey everyone!
[13:01] Greyark Hightower: Sure. Hand it to me.
[13:03] Rocket Sellers: do you read?
[13:03] Universa Vanalten: u both sound fine to me
[13:03] slack7639 Gigamon: i can hear both of u
[13:03] Prng Flagstaff: I heard Rocket talking.
[13:03] Theman Anton: me to
[13:03] Sine Arrow: I have no Voice, in or out, yet.
[13:03] Kaelin Skytower: perhaps you have voice turned down?
[13:03] Sine Arrow: No. I have no white dot, and my "talk" button is greyed out.
[13:04] Theman Anton: Charlie Navarathna can make it today
[13:05] Greyark Hightower: That's a dirty trick.
[13:05] Greyark Hightower: Get me to do the Consortium then make me first:)
[13:05] Jet Burns: hehehe or is it.... Muuuuhahahahha
[13:05] Greyark Hightower: There was a Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds conference in DC at National Defense University last week.
[13:06] Greyark Hightower: Ran thursday and friday with a few tutorials available Wednesday.
[13:06] Greyark Hightower: Did you get an attendance report, Jet?
[13:06] Jet Burns: No not yet.
[13:06] Quantum Clipper est déconnecté(e)
[13:06] Greyark Hightower: While it is called a virtual worlds event, SL was the most represented VW there again this year.
[13:07] Greyark Hightower: Jet, GeoFrank and I were there from NASA. Some of our Scilands neighbors - Hacks and Toxie at least - were also there.
[13:08] Greyark Hightower: The goal is to get federal agencies dealing with virtual worlds to learn what their colleagues are doing and promote increased Virtual World use by the government.
[13:08] Universa Vanalten: no go for me due to govt restrictions on conferences...booo ;^(
[13:08] Greyark Hightower: I think there were about 400 folks on site.
[13:08] Greyark Hightower: I got outside funding to cover me, UV. Or I would have had to skip too.
[13:09] Universa Vanalten: glad you could make it
[13:09] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[13:09] Greyark Hightower: The talks and panels from the main room were streamed to eight or so sites SL to those who could not make it.
[13:10] Greyark Hightower: The biggest achievement for me, was getting Hacks from NOAA to buy me a beer at the reception:)
[13:10] Ariel Miranda: hehehe
[13:10] Jet Burns: lol
[13:11] Jet Burns: Hacks gave a great presentation on the coming "cloud computing".
[13:11] Theman Anton: what about the meeting
[13:11] Jet Burns: *Hackshaven Harford
[13:11] Rocket Sellers: some of us watched you guys from in here and on the web stream
[13:11] Greyark Hightower: I think slightly more than half the displays and posters were from military orgs.
[13:11] Universa Vanalten: they HAVE a budget
[13:11] Sine Arrow: Not too surprising. They must innovate or die, literally.
[13:12] Greyark Hightower: All in all, my guess is that there are more folks from the govt working in SL than last year, but collectively we are not much better organized than last year.
[13:12] Salamanca Congrejo: One of them has 9 islands they're not using.
[13:12] Jet Burns: There was a large showing from the DOD, including the Army, Air Force and the Navy. They have made a new "MilLands" area.
[13:13] Rocket Sellers: which one Sal?
[13:13] Sine Arrow: Is it on "Search"?
[13:13] Universa Vanalten: Maccus McCullough gave me an SL tour...forming Mil continent like SciLands
[13:13] Salamanca Congrejo: I'll have to check my logs. My brain is mush.
[13:13] Jet Burns: Yes the start point is Coalition Island
[13:13] Rocket Sellers: oh really
[13:13] Sine Arrow: Thanks!
[13:13] Rocket Sellers: MilLands?
[13:13] Jet Burns: MilLands
[13:14] Jet Burns: Like SciLands without the Sci.
[13:14] Greyark Hightower: My understanding is that MilLands was created at the urging of Scott Linden, the govt rep for LL.
[13:14] Lemonade chuchote : Now THAT hits the spot!
[13:15] Jet Burns: Yes and Scott also gave a few presentations at the conference. Much of the MilLands are being built by Lindens, but I don't know the arrangement.
[13:15] Quantum Clipper est connecté(e)
[13:15] Greyark Hightower: BTW, I have a cold, so I am not using voice so as not to spread it:)
[13:15] Rocket Sellers: thoughtufl
[13:16] Ariel Miranda: lol
[13:16] Jet Burns: Hope it's not the flu
[13:16] Salamanca Congrejo: R U sure It's not swine flu?
[13:16] Prng Flagstaff: Sal's "nine islands" sounds like United Space Alliance. They're new here and just getting started. They have plans for most of their sims already, but it includes room for growth.
[13:16] Greyark Hightower: So far it seems like a cold. No real flu symptoms. Though I have an urge to snuffle for my food.
[13:17] Universa Vanalten: USA is her Prng?
[13:17] Ariel Miranda: ruh roh
[13:17] Universa Vanalten: here
[13:17] Universa Vanalten: wow!
[13:17] Universa Vanalten: thx 4 keeping your virtual germs isolated Grey ;^)
[13:18] Caledonia Heron: hey everyone :)
[13:18] Sine Arrow: Hi Cal :-)
[13:18] Rocket Sellers: hi Cal
[13:18] Quantum Clipper: hi cal
[13:18] Prng Flagstaff: Oh yes. Look for Mikey549 Grossman (number may be error)
[13:18] Rocket Sellers: United Space Alliance and USA 01-USA08
[13:18] Rocket Sellers: nearby
[13:18] Ariel Miranda: (lowercase "m")
[13:19] Prng Flagstaff: The USAlliance sims are part of SciLands, west and north of the NSS region.
[13:19] Universa Vanalten: will do..thx!
[13:19] Jet Burns: During one of the DOD presentations, they did talk about pandemics (before the news of the flu). They said every 36 years is a pandemic, and it's been 40 since the last one. They talked about the concept of using virtual worlds would reduce work exposure if used.
[13:19] Rocket Sellers: just have to get past MoonWorld, you are not allowed into the destination
[13:19] Ariel Miranda: Interesting, Jet
[13:20] Jet Burns: Ok thanks grey, any other thoughts?
[13:20] Greyark Hightower: I should have made a better poster. Hacks display for NOAA was much better than mine.
[13:21] Jet Burns: I wished I would have "snuck" one in too.. hehehe
[13:21] Jet Burns: Rocket.
[13:21] Jet Burns: Ok up next, Rocket has a proposal.
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: last week i suggested reorganizing CoLab with an asteroid strike
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: and starting fresh
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: Greyark urged me to write up a formal proposal
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: and helped me with developing it
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: it's still in development
[13:22] Rocket Sellers: but basically, the idea is to clean up
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: space debris, old builds, land settings, group permissions
[13:23] Salamanca Congrejo: Spring cleaning
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: and was inspired by wish to make room on NASA
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: for Saturn V Apollo 11 ride
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: now being developed on Space Frontier sandbox
[13:23] Theman Anton: sounds good
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: it can't work here
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: too much lag, too much space debris
[13:23] Rocket Sellers: and by some teens
[13:24] Rocket Sellers: who came looking for space to finish their ISS
[13:24] Korii Tiger: what about the library?
[13:24] Rocket Sellers: but there's not space here
[13:24] Cindy Bolero: Let me know if you need tips on that. I have crew that keeps my 16 sims 'clean"
[13:24] Universa Vanalten: teens?
[13:24] Rocket Sellers: fresh from Teen Grid
[13:24] Caledonia Heron: perhaps ex-teens
[13:25] Rocket Sellers: so, a proposal is in development
[13:25] Rocket Sellers: the only really active project is Archivist's library
[13:25] Universa Vanalten: sounds like a worthwhile project
[13:25] Rocket Sellers: so in my lame model here
[13:25] Salamanca Congrejo: tee-dults
[13:25] Rocket Sellers: there's a crater, a rocket and a library
[13:25] Greyark Hightower: Eventually everyone is an ex-teen.
[13:25] Archivist Llewellyn: I am afraid that such an asteroid strike woud require me to move the library. It will be very labor intensive and it will impeded my progress on the project.
[13:25] Theman Anton: I got a question
[13:25] Universa Vanalten: whatever happened to LL thoughts to merge TG and MG or whatever it was?
[13:26] Caledonia Heron: we could set the parcel to no damage
[13:26] Salamanca Congrejo: We can prevent the library from being damaged, no?
[13:26] Archivist Llewellyn: How do you intend to protect the library?
[13:27] Rocket Sellers: saving the build
[13:27] Rocket Sellers: that would be you
[13:27] Rocket Sellers: rebuilding after the apocalypse
[13:27] Greyark Hightower: Other than Rosedales statement that the grids should be merged, I have not seen any actual merger plans.
[13:27] Theman Anton: the colab sand box has many items of interst being built in it but in order to build more stuff there has to be room so what would it take to open or expand the sandbox
[13:27] Ariel Miranda: There are several ways to do that.
[13:27] Salamanca Congrejo: You set the parcel to no damage
[13:27] Salamanca Congrejo: Wouldn't that work?
[13:27] Archivist Llewellyn: Rocket, I have no intention of rebuilding
[13:27] Eyron Dryke est déconnecté(e)
[13:27] Ariel Miranda: Depends on what process is being used to clear.
[13:28] slack7639 Gigamon: put up a force field
[13:28] Sine Arrow: If we can set one parcel alone to no damage it will work. Need it be the whole sim or nothing?
[13:28] Caledonia Heron: there is a land option for each parcel that says safe(no damage) I believe if that is selected the parcel is immune from damage ... we could test it to be sure
[13:28] Ariel Miranda: That particular parcel could be locked down for the duration of impact.
[13:28] Archivist Llewellyn: It took months to get the build up and running
[13:28] Rocket Sellers: yes of course it could
[13:28] Caledonia Heron: yes Ariel
[13:29] Quantum Clipper: is it not possible to backup a parcel and restore to a new location?
[13:29] Jet Burns: Is this a one time impact event, then rebuild... or recurring strike?
[13:29] Eyron Dryke est connecté(e)
[13:29] Rocket Sellers: thought of as a one time event
[13:30] Rocket Sellers: the main goal is to get the place cleaned out and organized for whatever new management strategy is being developed
[13:30] Archivist Llewellyn: you will cause significant impact on the library's plans to offer educational and other activites at this point if a rebuild is required. I have a one year agreement with Colab. This propsal has a serious negative impact on my project.
[13:30] Caledonia Heron: maybe one big one and a couple little followers :)
[13:30] Salamanca Congrejo: That should be done as a safety measure anyway, -
[13:30] Sine Arrow: If ratiosare kept RL-like, then the inpactor would be 10-12m in diameter.
[13:30] Archivist Llewellyn: I would like to inquire
[13:30] Sine Arrow: impactor*
[13:30] Archivist Llewellyn: has anyone done any studies
[13:30] Archivist Llewellyn: to see about the performance of colab as-is?
[13:30] Universa Vanalten: Rocket, I assume your proposal will include info recommendations how to avoid impacting Archevists's project?
[13:31] Archivist Llewellyn: or what could be done to work with the existing infrastructure to boost visitors
[13:31] Rocket Sellers: it could be completely immune
[13:31] Quantum Clipper: if someone can address my question, it should be valuable info for AL
[13:31] Caledonia Heron: we could calculate how much splat that would be and if there would be any impact to archive .... if we land it in testbed spat might be minimal in the archive area
[13:31] Rocket Sellers: all the splat would be temp
[13:31] Jet Burns: It needs to be... the archive is a crown jewel of the island.
[13:31] Rocket Sellers: protected by asteroid defense
[13:31] Archivist Llewellyn: if any portion of the library is damaged
[13:31] Archivist Llewellyn: it is a serous problem
[13:31] Theman Anton: I agree
[13:31] Archivist Llewellyn: due to the way the building is constructed
[13:31] Ariel Miranda nods.
[13:32] Greyark Hightower: The archive is the only active project on the island.
[13:32] Archivist Llewellyn: The library has very good satistics so far
[13:32] Archivist Llewellyn: and I have not yet begun serious activies and events
[13:32] Jet Burns: ....and the library will be the only link to the past after the event.
[13:32] Archivist Llewellyn: this is how I would like to spend the remainder of my years
[13:32] Caledonia Heron: I think we can agree it would be optimal to keep the archive intact ... how can we smash an asteroid and keep it safe?
[13:32] Ariel Miranda: It's not very difficult to completely lock the parcel down and everything in it.
[13:32] Archivist Llewellyn: year
[13:32] Rocket Sellers: easy Caledonia
[13:33] slack7639 Gigamon: program the asteroid
[13:33] Caledonia Heron: I think we lock the parcel and the archive will be fine
[13:33] Ariel Miranda: Yep
[13:33] Salamanca Congrejo: There are a lot of current permission problems on CoLab parcels, Arch, that could only be addressed with a clean sweep. This proposal lends a cool, space-event to the process.
[13:33] Theman Anton: does the asteroid have to land in colab
[13:33] Theman Anton: ?
[13:34] Greyark Hightower: Be damned unneighborly to land it in SciFri or ISM.
[13:34] slack7639 Gigamon: why not redo colab one parcel / square / rectangle / number of feet at a time? why the need to destroy?
[13:34] Jet Burns: How about killing the old HQ w/ the strike, and mannually nuke all the rest?
[13:34] Salamanca Congrejo: It's cathartic
[13:34] Theman Anton: expand
[13:35] Rocket Sellers: really most things will have to be cleaned out by hand
[13:35] Rocket Sellers: it's just visual fx to make it look like an asteroid impact
[13:35] Theman Anton: colab is being rebuilt?!!!!!!
[13:35] Archivist Llewellyn: And what is the man hours involved in such as strike as opposed to an oderly cleanup one parcel at a time?
[13:36] Greyark Hightower: I should point out there are really two discussions here. One is what to do with Colab in general. One is discussion of the asteroid proposal.
[13:36] Theman Anton: oh
[13:36] Salamanca Congrejo: That's what we're thinking - repurposed -
[13:36] Sine Arrow: A crater that does not touch the Library will be at most 192m across. That implies a impactor of 9-10m.
[13:36] Universa Vanalten: what the heck does an asteroid do
[13:36] Salamanca Congrejo: a cycle of review and improve
[13:36] Archivist Llewellyn: What about debris?
[13:36] Theman Anton: what is the purpose of the asteroid
[13:36] Caledonia Heron: excellent data Sine :)
[13:37] slack7639 Gigamon: how quickly will it be rebuilt?
[13:37] Greyark Hightower: Essentially, the proposal is for using the entire island (minus the Archive Parcel) for an event.
[13:37] Theman Anton: even the sandbox
[13:37] Theman Anton: ?
[13:37] Archivist Llewellyn: The event is the launching of the Saturn V?
[13:37] Greyark Hightower: even the sand box.
[13:37] Prng Flagstaff: Looking at the model, it appears most land will disappear and be replaced by water. Also, the Saturn V Apollo is hugely prim-intesive, iirc. Is this meant to be a limited-time thing, like projects have been, or a permanent allotment, reducing those available to other projects as they come along.
[13:38] Caledonia Heron: yes, cream the corner kitty corner from the archive, minimal splat right at archive parcel boundary
[13:38] Theman Anton: I have stuff in the sand box and so do others and want to deleate it
[13:38] Greyark Hightower: We don't yet have a solid plan on the future use of Colab.
[13:38] Rocket Sellers: right the Apollo 11 is meant to be for the 40 year anniversary
[13:39] slack7639 Gigamon: if the purpose is prims, why not rank the order in which destruction could take place, and fix so that it is not bare, but a work in progress
[13:39] Caledonia Heron: good question Prng ... I think one of the important items is what is the follow-on to an asteroid event - how will the island go forward and in what way, how will land be alloted, used, for how long, etc
[13:39] Archivist Llewellyn: Why are you opposed to hosting the event on your parcel, Rocket?
[13:39] Greyark Hightower: We would have a set date for the asteroid strike. It should not take anyone by surprise.
[13:39] Rocket Sellers: Archivist i don't think you are understanding the ultimate goal of the project
[13:39] Prng Flagstaff: Certainly anything that stands to be destroyed, the owners should get advanced notice. Including office-holders at the HQ building. They don't always attend meetings or read minutes.
[13:40] Zen Zeddmore est connecté(e)
[13:40] PhilippeO Janus est déconnecté(e)
[13:40] Greyark Hightower: And a public notice posted as well, Prng.
[13:40] Caledonia Heron: yes, Prng, agreed .... we should inform and re-inform people if this goes forward
[13:40] Theman Anton: colab by my understanding was explaned to me as a hand outstretched by nasa to provide education to people who are inter ested in space an the construction of and not limeted to rockets and space related equipment
[13:40] Archivist Llewellyn: If the archives is damaged, I will request in advance a rollback
[13:40] Rocket Sellers: hmm
[13:40] Rocket Sellers: this might be too much trouble
[13:41] Quantum Clipper: i'd suggest you contact each person until you get an ack -- don't want it to go in aynone's spam folder
[13:41] Rocket Sellers: maybe we'll just keep Saturn V on the Space Frontier
[13:41] Sine Arrow: It is limited to space-related activities, The. Those are not particularly onerous requirements.
[13:41] Caledonia Heron: at this point it's a proposal, there's no incoming asteroid as yet :)
[13:42] Cindy Bolero likes incoming asteroid term
[13:42] Theman Anton: the asteroid would be able to destroy anything?
[13:42] ssm2017 Binder est déconnecté(e)
[13:42] Quantum Clipper: watch your asteroid!
[13:42] Greyark Hightower: I prefer to think there is an incoming asteroid but there is potential to avert the disaster.
[13:43] Ariel Miranda: :-D
[13:43] Caledonia Heron: The archive could be paramount in documenting and recording the entire event .... if we could ensure the archive is safe perhaps it's a win all around :)
[13:43] Sine Arrow: The, it would destroy anything not on a locked and damage refussed parcel.
[13:43] Theman Anton: how did you guys pull that off
[13:43] Quantum Clipper: someone would make a video of that, right? ;)
[13:43] Archivist Llewellyn: Why don't we test it on Space Frontier ? lol
[13:44] Rocket Sellers: we do, all the time
[13:44] Caledonia Heron: did we agree to that by vote Jet?
[13:45] Greyark Hightower: We might discuss the future.
[13:45] Rocket Sellers: Jet would you like to replace me as a project leader?
[13:45] Rocket Sellers: please?
[13:45] Greyark Hightower: Right now, Colab is serving one project and that does not meet the objectives.
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: I think we can find a good medium .... max impact, no damage to safe zone
[13:46] Rocket Sellers: Sine your mic is hot
[13:46] Sine Arrow: Thanks, Rocket.
[13:46] Ariel Miranda: One project, plus some good work in the Testbed.
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: agreed Greyark
[13:46] Greyark Hightower: We'll need a rebuilding plan anyway.
[13:46] Ariel Miranda: Absolutely
[13:46] Salamanca Congrejo: Good point on the work tho - who's going to do the work?
[13:46] Caledonia Heron: yes, again, what happens after the asteroid is more important than the asteroid
[13:46] Greyark Hightower: We can build a single meeting area.
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: yes, 1 meeting area
[13:47] Sine Arrow: There are several points to move through, it seeems, ....
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: many parcels for projects
[13:47] Sine Arrow: 1.) Assure everyone that the Library will not be touched!
[13:47] Greyark Hightower: In the long run yes, Cal. But in the short run, an asteroid strike could be a huge event and generate a lot of interest.
[13:47] Theman Anton: can we get a say how to build meeting are and the sand box
[13:47] Caledonia Heron: huge doesn't come close Greyark ... the event of the year! :)
[13:48] slack7639 Gigamon: this asteroid will really destroy things here?
[13:48] Rocket Sellers: only if we want it to
[13:48] Sine Arrow: 2.) make sure we have a series of steps to make something soon out of the destroyed area......
[13:48] Universa Vanalten: is the asteroid itself the event you mentioned?
[13:48] Caledonia Heron: yes Theman ... 1 meeting area and a sandbox ... CoLab sandbox is the sandbox for all the NASA sims
[13:48] Sine Arrow: 3.) Make sure all are notified of each step.
[13:48] Salamanca Congrejo: steps and volunteers!
[13:49] Theman Anton: yes.......
[13:49] Rocket Sellers: i'll encourage everyone who's for the project to volunteer some work
[13:49] Universa Vanalten: logic to that Cal but wouldn't there still be parcels for things like the archive?
[13:49] Archivist Llewellyn: This is a publicity stunt... and it makes NASA look like that is its goal
[13:49] mimi12 Hanfoi est déconnecté(e)
[13:49] Archivist Llewellyn: rather than science and education
[13:49] Greyark Hightower: I would put a cap on the warning stages. Some stuff is derelict and some owners are no longer active in SL.
[13:49] Haplo Eberhart: i am working on an idea that would teach the inverse squre law, and show how potentialy/theoretciall we can protect ourselfes from massive soar storms and the emp effects of such
[13:49] Cunigula Larsson est déconnecté(e)
[13:49] Rocket Sellers: right Grey
[13:49] Caledonia Heron: absolutely UV .... the archive will stay before during and after event if it goes into action
[13:49] Universa Vanalten: thx
[13:49] Kaelin Skytower: This may sound cheesy but you say your problem is that the asteroid is supposed to destroy stuff well why dont you just put protective barriers in front of things you dont want destroyed aka force shield big wall perhaps a giant whale i dont know but would that not give a logical reason why something wasnt destroyed?
[13:50] Salamanca Congrejo: If we make it scientifically realistic, it will be scientific.
[13:50] Haplo Eberhart: best of luck jet
[13:50] Caledonia Heron: sure Jet :)
[13:50] Sine Arrow: Archivist, while it may be good publicity too, it is also about very substantive future possibilities, and what might be done about them.
[13:51] Archivist Llewellyn: Ty Jet
[13:51] Caledonia Heron: yes, it would be, imo, very important for this to be scientifically oriented
[13:51] Salamanca Congrejo: ciao
[13:51] slack7639 Gigamon: all right!
[13:51] Sine Arrow: Bye Jet!
[13:51] Caledonia Heron: yes, I think there is wide agreement that we would not damage the archive .... it does not make sense to do so
[13:51] Greyark Hightower: NASA has not shown a particular aversion to publicity activities. Note the recent Name the Node event.
[13:51] Ariel Miranda: Later, Jet!
[13:52] Ariel Miranda: hehe, true Grey
[13:52] Salamanca Congrejo: yeah - it could be Comet Colbert
[13:52] Kaelin Skytower: lol
[13:52] Ariel Miranda: ROFL
[13:52] Theman Anton: be right back
[13:52] Sine Arrow: Hmmmm! Does anyone think we should name the impactor???? :-))
[13:52] Salamanca Congrejo: ;-)
[13:52] Ariel Miranda: Have a contest!
[13:52] Caledonia Heron: so what would it take ... 1. parcel prtection committee 2. science committee 3. builder group 4. notification of impending doom group .... like that?
[13:52] Kaelin Skytower: lol
[13:52] Haplo Eberhart: archivists work needs to be reserved and kept in tact. it is a very valuable resource here
[13:52] slack7639 Gigamon: redoing permissions is also an issue? isn't there a program to automatically do this, all items within a sim?
[13:52] Greyark Hightower: And advance warning of the event gives folks options to come up with related activities.
[13:52] Salamanca Congrejo: lol
[13:53] Rocket Sellers: maybe Geofrank will bomb the moon with LCROSS
[13:53] Caledonia Heron: we need a pretty comprehensive plan to pull this off well
[13:53] Ariel Miranda: Sounds right, Cal...yes, and pr committee and replacement build committee.
[13:53] Prng Flagstaff: How about having several impacts? Try out some type of impact defense for each one, show what happened and, most importantly, what went wrong.
[13:53] Sine Arrow: One point, since the" owner" is absent, will we beable to do all this, anyway??? Perms and all that.
[13:53] Caledonia Heron: yes Ariel, exactly ... how can we divide up the jobs ... it will take the whole community
[13:53] Salamanca Congrejo: So the biggest quest may be who has time?
[13:53] slack7639 Gigamon: like updates text on information signs / we r in a relational database, right?
[13:54] Caledonia Heron: a good exercise in collaboration :)
[13:54] slack7639 Gigamon: fix it with an update query
[13:54] Rocket Sellers: Greyark will take care of that Sine
[13:54] Haplo Eberhart: commenc operation british
[13:54] Salamanca Congrejo: *question
[13:54] Sine Arrow: Thanks, Rocket:-)
[13:54] Caledonia Heron: some owners are present :)
[13:54] Haplo Eberhart: lol
[13:54] Caledonia Heron: we need a project manager
[13:55] Ariel Miranda: I volunteer for the future build committee.
[13:55] Caledonia Heron: who can delegate the committees, track work/progress if this goes forward
[13:55] Greyark Hightower: The owner has changed even if the island info is outdates, the LL purchasing records reflect it.
[13:55] Caledonia Heron: great Ariel!!
[13:55] Caledonia Heron: yes, correct Grey
[13:55] Ariel Miranda: Good deal, Grey.
[13:56] Salamanca Congrejo: hey - we also need a perms policy on builds committee - else we repeat history
[13:56] Caledonia Heron: yes Sal, a piece of the puzzle
[13:56] Cindy Bolero: I have much experience with multi-sim admin skills and group management if you ever have questions
[13:56] Universa Vanalten: Colbert is actually a great idea I think
[13:56] Salamanca Congrejo: ;)
[13:56] Caledonia Heron: we are going on an hour ... is there any other business or is this the only item today?
[13:56] Sine Arrow: Yes! Perms policy as a coherently pre-decided consistent level of action is needed!
[13:56] Ariel Miranda: Maybe Sal and Cindy could take on the perms and group issues?
[13:57] Salamanca Congrejo: ack - I thought you and Cal had that all worked out. ;-D
[13:57] Universa Vanalten: if we could get him to pick up on that .....i can't even imagine
[13:57] Cindy Bolero: I'll be full time on Teen Grid this summer though. May not be in adult SL during the day, but can answer in emails
[13:57] Caledonia Heron: that would be hilarious UV :)
[13:57] Prng Flagstaff: I'd be interested in hearing what attendees at the Virtual Worlds conference had to say were problems with VW, especially here but others as well.
[13:58] Universa Vanalten: and ...highly productive for NASA in SL I think
[13:58] Rocket Sellers: i'll advise on land settings and new group roles, for most openness yet easy clean up
[13:58] Haplo Eberhart: brb
[13:58] Sine Arrow: On the other side, (evil grin) there would be even bigger PR if we named it "Rush"!! :-))
[13:58] Rocket Sellers: and also have many who are interested in contributing to the event
[13:58] Universa Vanalten: uhhhh..,.no ;^)
[13:58] Eyron Dryke est déconnecté(e)
[13:59] Salamanca Congrejo: Ack!! Wash your mouth out
[13:59] Sine Arrow: :-))
[13:59] Caledonia Heron: so what are the actions going forward to complete and give this proposal legs so we can vote?
[13:59] Rocket Sellers: new project team has been identified
[13:59] Ariel Miranda: Who owns the whole project?
[13:59] Quantum Clipper est déconnecté(e)
[13:59] Rocket Sellers: owns?
[13:59] Sine Arrow: Rocket is still doing the proposal writing, right??
[13:59] Caledonia Heron: I don't think we are ready to vote but I could be wrong
[13:59] Rocket Sellers: tried to get Jet to take it
[13:59] Ariel Miranda: Is in charge of, Rocket
[14:00] Rocket Sellers: i think i'm a foil for Greyark
[14:00] Theman Anton: I'm back
[14:00] Salamanca Congrejo: The danger of coming up with an idea, Rocket -
[14:00] Caledonia Heron: Rocket, are you possibly the project manager?
[14:00] Rocket Sellers: Grey and I are
[14:00] Rocket Sellers: and i am willing to be replaced
[14:00] Sine Arrow: Being a foil ain't so bad, Rocket, as long as you don't get spindled and mutiated too much. :-)
[14:00] Ariel Miranda: Cool :-)
[14:01] Greyark Hightower: I am not willing to let Rocket be replaced.
[14:01] Ariel Miranda: hehehe
[14:01] Salamanca Congrejo: lol - really
[14:01] Ariel Miranda: Looks like you're stuck, Rocket :-D
[14:01] Caledonia Heron: as cool as it would be to just slam an asteroid into the sim, we need a pretty darn good plan :)
[14:01] Ariel Miranda: Yep
[14:01] Theman Anton: ya think
[14:01] Salamanca Congrejo: ideas are easy - implementing them is hard work ;-)
[14:01] Theman Anton: ..........!
[14:01] Greyark Hightower: Approve or don't approve the project proposal, but I won't support going forward without her on it.
[14:02] slack7639 Gigamon: i don't ususally change something, unless there is a compelling reason, that it will yield a benefit greater than the effort taken to change
[14:02] Ariel Miranda: Understood, slack.
[14:02] Rocket Sellers: i think the benefit is it will make the place usuable to more than one project
[14:02] Ariel Miranda: I think this is one of those cases though.
[14:02] Rocket Sellers: clean up the dead wood and space debris
[14:02] Caledonia Heron: yes Sal ... so back to how to divide up the work .... perhaps we round out the proposal, take a vote and it it's warranted we solicit volunteers for the activities
[14:02] Universa Vanalten: i think the point is that we have a LOT of unused stuff taking up prims
[14:02] Rocket Sellers: impose some new standards and procedures for keeping the place nice
[14:02] Salamanca Congrejo: ya, sounds good
[14:03] Theman Anton: k
[14:03] Salamanca Congrejo: I second Cal's motion
[14:03] Haplo Eberhart: back
[14:03] Universa Vanalten: but...another point is what will replace it
[14:03] Ariel Miranda: The proposal should include committee chairs for those committees we just identified, I think.
[14:03] Universa Vanalten: don't want this to become a no man's land
[14:03] Theman Anton: true
[14:03] Caledonia Heron: yes Ariel, and yes UV, what comes after the asteroied is even more important than the asteroid :)
[14:03] Greyark Hightower: Except for the Archives and the sandbox, Colab is pretty much dormant except for these meetings. There isn't even a real point to the meetings with the island so inactive.
[14:03] Theman Anton: there needs to be a board of directers
[14:03] Ariel Miranda: Right, UV...that's why I'm volunteering for the CoLab: The Next Generation committee ;-D
[14:03] Rocket Sellers: and it will give us something to do at meetings
[14:04] Universa Vanalten: aha!!!
[14:04] Theman Anton: who get the final say
[14:04] Sine Arrow: We must know where we are going after the end of this world, ....Gee, am I getting religious??
[14:04] Caledonia Heron: Next Gen CoLab :)
[14:04] Ariel Miranda: lol Sine
[14:04] Caledonia Heron: lol Sine
[14:04] Theman Anton: on mars!
[14:04] Universa Vanalten: or religulous Sine ;^)
[14:04] Ariel Miranda: hehe
[14:04] Theman Anton: is this meeting over
[14:04] Theman Anton: it's 2:04
[14:04] Salamanca Congrejo: Colbert will want the whole place named after him.
[14:04] Caledonia Heron: it should be Theman, we are past the hour
[14:04] Kaelin Skytower: lol
[14:05] Universa Vanalten: only the asteroid
[14:05] Caledonia Heron: ok, so can we agree on a plan re the asteroid please?
[14:05] Theman Anton: if there is not going to be a vote today I need to leave
[14:05] Caledonia Heron: no vote today Theman
[14:05] Theman Anton: k
[14:05] Salamanca Congrejo: I 2nded your plan to round out the proposal
[14:05] Theman Anton: thanks
[14:05] Theman Anton: good seeing everyone
[14:06] Ariel Miranda: tc!
[14:06] Caledonia Heron: ok 1 more time ... round out proposal, take a vote, divide up work if needed
[14:06] Universa Vanalten: yup
[14:06] Caledonia Heron: ok, good
[14:06] Sine Arrow: Proposal should include division of work, IMHO.
[14:06] Caledonia Heron: Rocket do you need help with proposal?
[14:06] slack7639 Gigamon: first, i would say, define the new use - events here?
[14:06] Rocket Sellers: yes
[14:06] Salamanca Congrejo: Arch - do you have a backup of your archives? Not that we're going to do anything to them, but it's always good to have a backup.
[14:06] Greyark Hightower: This is the sort of discussion we need to be having about the future of this island. Does it have one? Who will be responsible for it. How will it get implemented.
[14:06] Caledonia Heron: yes, everyone backup, backup backup
[14:07] slack7639 Gigamon: who will put those together?
[14:07] Universa Vanalten: i'd like to b on nxt gen committee
[14:07] Rocket Sellers: excellent team
[14:07] Caledonia Heron: yes Grey!
[14:07] Caledonia Heron: this is really what this discussion is about! sly, eh?
[14:07] Rocket Sellers: it's symbolic of change, rebirth
[14:08] Salamanca Congrejo: refreshing
[14:08] Caledonia Heron: hugely so Rocket ... and we can do some science stuff, some ed, some outreach, some fun :)
[14:08] Ariel Miranda: Sounds to me like we need one flexible meeting/event space...perhaps making use of Troy's Holo-Emitter to change "sets" from meeting circle to auditorium, etc....
[14:08] Universa Vanalten: G'Obama ;^) and new NASA admin whenever that happends
[14:08] Greyark Hightower: It's time to extinguish some dinosaurs and rebuild:)
[14:08] Caledonia Heron: cool idea Ariel
[14:08] Universa Vanalten: btw...I met latest rumor for NASA admin Lori Garver
[14:08] Rocket Sellers: and not bump our heads on space debris when riding on rockets
[14:08] Ariel Miranda: ...a (maybe even larger?) testbed....
[14:08] Sine Arrow: Last time I heard of rock moving at 11kilometers per second as "refreshing", but OK. :-)
[14:08] Ariel Miranda: ...and project parcels.
[14:09] Ariel Miranda: ....entrance/info/greeting area....
[14:09] Ariel Miranda: ...anything else?
[14:09] Universa Vanalten: can we get bots?
[14:09] Caledonia Heron: so the planning requiredmight require a push back on the eta of the asteroid ... maybe late summer to go the meteor shower?
[14:09] Salamanca Congrejo: But space debris is a fact of life.
[14:09] Salamanca Congrejo: RL and SL
[14:09] Cindy Bolero: so true
[14:09] Salamanca Congrejo: lol Sine
[14:09] Universa Vanalten: in additional to greeters...time is always an issue
[14:10] Salamanca Congrejo: only in SL
[14:10] slack7639 Gigamon: has michio ever been here?
[14:10] Sine Arrow: Sal, if we declare no objects above a certain altitude, then it needn't be that space debris is a problem in *thsi* part of SL.
[14:10] Sine Arrow: this*
[14:10] Caledonia Heron: we should wrap the formal part of the meeting .... shall we adjourn? .... discussion continues of course :)
[14:10] Ariel Miranda: Yeah, I was thinking more of an automated info-stand than human greeters.
[14:10] Universa Vanalten: speaking of which is jGeoFrank aware of all this Grey?
[14:10] Greyark Hightower: Colab once declared no sky builds and there is still space debris.
[14:11] PhilippeO Janus est connecté(e)
[14:11] Rocket Sellers: UV he's developing his new island and said he'd be moving his project from here
[14:11] Greyark Hightower: I discussed it with him last week at FCVW.
[14:11] Universa Vanalten: cool!
[14:11] Caledonia Heron: yes, think GeoF is moving
[14:11] Sine Arrow: Well, the, Grey, we need people with powers to enforce it.:-/
[14:11] Salamanca Congrejo: But it never launched rockets, did it?
[14:11] Sine Arrow: then*
[14:11] Greyark Hightower: Infact he was inquiring about the archives expanding into the parcel where LRO is now.
[14:11] Rocket Sellers: nor did it crater the moon yet, but there's still hope
[14:12] Universa Vanalten: gr8 Ariel...and "the usual suspects" board you've worked on
[14:12] Salamanca Congrejo: s'owell - getting too philisophical -
[14:12] Ariel Miranda nods.
[14:12] Ariel Miranda: Hopefully the info stand Kincade was working on, too.
[14:12] Universa Vanalten: a way to let folks know who they can contact for more info etc like the ball over there that says I'm on;line...things like that
[14:12] Caledonia Heron: that could be cool ... might want to wait to expand until after impact :)
[14:12] Universa Vanalten: yet
[14:12] Universa Vanalten: yes
[14:13] Universa Vanalten: just when I thought I was getting caught up at work lol
[14:13] Rocket Sellers: everyone who builds should always take copies
[14:13] Rocket Sellers: back up
[14:13] Rocket Sellers: it's only sensible
[14:13] PaulGG Dreamscape: OK, Did anyone ever work on that outpost I was looking for, and do I need to back it up?
[14:14] Rocket Sellers: no comprende
[14:14] Salamanca Congrejo: well - gotta go habla español
[14:14] slack7639 Gigamon: no comprendo
[14:14] Ariel Miranda: Later Sal!
[14:14] Caledonia Heron: ok, motion to adjourn?
[14:14] Salamanca Congrejo: ciao
[14:14] Salamanca Congrejo: 2nd
[14:14] Caledonia Heron: bye Sal :)
[14:15] Salamanca Congrejo: adios
[14:15] slack7639 Gigamon: hasta
[14:15] Caledonia Heron: ok, we'll look for the next rev of the proposal next week
[14:15] Rocket Sellers: meanwhile
[14:15] Ariel Miranda: Yay team!
[14:15] Rocket Sellers: please go take a ride on Saturn V
[14:15] Caledonia Heron: please let me know if I can help some way Rocket ... and I encourage any others with input to contact Rocket
[14:15] Universa Vanalten: CoLab is rudderless no more ;-)
[14:15] Rocket Sellers: Apollo 11, work in progress
[14:15] Rocket Sellers: on Space Frontier
[14:15] Kaelin Skytower: I really enjoy the rockets
[14:15] Rocket Sellers: launches at 32 minutes after every hour
[14:15] Kaelin Skytower: To the moon!
[14:15] PaulGG Dreamscape: Ride on Saturn V? I missed somethign...
[14:16] Rocket Sellers: wear the rocket sound hud
[14:16] Kaelin Skytower: yep
[14:16] Rocket Sellers: you can get on the platform
[14:16] Universa Vanalten: NASA doing big event in Jun RL
[14:16] Rocket Sellers: get in the capsule
[14:16] Rocket Sellers: and be very very patient
[14:16] Rocket Sellers: take a friend
[14:16] Universa Vanalten: Apollo 40th the big thing this year
[14:17] Ariel Miranda: Thanks UV!
[14:17] PaulGG Dreamscape: Cool... is it a 2 1/2 day trip? :)
[14:17] Universa Vanalten: will keep u all posted on that
[14:17] Ariel Miranda: Any NASA plans here in SL, or will it just be NSS? :-)
[14:17] Universa Vanalten: and that sounds ike a wrap
[14:17] Universa Vanalten: that will depend on us I think Ariel
[14:17] Ariel Miranda: Okay :-D
[14:17] Rocket Sellers: NASA CoLab may have SAturn V Apollo 11 ride by then :P
[14:18] Caledonia Heron: yes :)
[14:18] Ariel Miranda: WoOT
[14:18] Universa Vanalten: key thing is celebrate past but educate about future too
[14:18] Universa Vanalten: btw....
[14:18] Caledonia Heron: I would think there will be something to mark the anny .... nothing specific nailed down yet :)
[14:18] Universa Vanalten: 1 sec
[14:18] Ariel Miranda nods
[14:18] Sine Arrow: I can tell when UV gets excited, her wings flap wider and more often. :-))
[14:19] Universa Vanalten: Mark your calendar! NASA's STS-119 crew will b @airandspace this Saturday 2 celebr8 Space Day!
[14:19] Universa Vanalten: lol Sine
[14:19] Greyark Hightower: My plans for the future are limited to surviving until the baby is born. Which hopefully will not be until mid May.
[14:19] Universa Vanalten: I want these RL
[14:19] Ariel Miranda: Nice!
[14:19] Caledonia Heron: he he Sine
[14:19] Universa Vanalten: u r gonna b buuuusy man Grey ;^)
[14:19] Caledonia Heron: wear your Superman jammies Grey, it will give you strength :)
[14:19] Ariel Miranda wishes her "local" NASA center were less than a thousand miles away. :-/
[14:20] PaulGG Dreamscape: They'd be easy enough to make, (If you didn't really want to fly with them.) but a bit clumbersome inside UV...
[14:20] Ariel Miranda: Good luck, Grey!
[14:20] Universa Vanalten: that's y we must get better at virtual Ariel
[14:20] Ariel Miranda: hehe...true, Paul
[14:20] Universa Vanalten: r u on Twitter?
[14:20] Rocket Sellers: today frogs, tomorrow asteroids
[14:20] Greyark Hightower: Can I get Spider Man jammies instead? I prefer him:)
[14:21] Universa Vanalten: o details details Paul ;^)
[14:21] Ariel Miranda: Good point, UV...sorta...I have an account but don't use it.
[14:21] Caledonia Heron: absolutely Grey, ;it's wherever you get your super powers :)
[14:21] Universa Vanalten: tons o NASA tweeters out there including yours truly
[14:21] Universa Vanalten: join the conversation
[14:21] Ariel Miranda gets so confused by all the websites, blogs, tweets, and squawks
[14:21] Ariel Miranda: :-)
[14:21] Universa Vanalten:
[14:21] Caledonia Heron: yes Ariel, that dang Interscape :)
[14:21] Haplo Eberhart: i am going to rest i wil be back
[14:22] PaulGG Dreamscape: Who? I am on twitter. PaulGGraham and OpenLuna
[14:22] Universa Vanalten: understood...i narrow it to sl, twitter, and Facebook
[14:22] Universa Vanalten: u can set up twitter to feed to Facebook
[14:22] Sine Arrow: Take Care, Haplo!
[14:22] Universa Vanalten: found a tool to send twitter to sl also
[14:22] Universa Vanalten: need to look into that
[14:22] Ariel Miranda: Sounds like a viable plan of attack, UV...I may try to deal with that.
[14:23] Universa Vanalten: takes a little getting used to then becomes addictive
[14:23] Universa Vanalten: information junkies
[14:23] Ariel Miranda: Yeah, I know Ordinal Malaprop has one....I think the Green Lantern Core is looking into a couple different SL twitter tools.
[14:23] Ariel Miranda: lol
[14:23] PaulGG Dreamscape: I'd love to see the Twitter -> SL tool UV.
[14:23] Universa Vanalten: would give u all a copy but it's no copy
[14:23] Universa Vanalten: i think Enzoo told me wher to get it
[14:24] Universa Vanalten: 1 sec...let me get build rights and i'll show u
[14:24] Sine Arrow: Gotta go, folks. Good Meeting! Let's make sure the followup hurts no one! ;-)
[14:24] Caledonia Heron: yes, Sine - all can be accomodated :)
[14:25] Greyark Hightower: Folks at FCVW were twittering with other folks in the same room. I felt it was a failed chance at RL networking:)
[14:25] Ariel Miranda: Here's one, also:
[14:25] Rocket Sellers: haha Grey
[14:25] Ariel Miranda: And:
[14:25] Rocket Sellers: and some were hanging out in SL while at the conference
[14:26] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
[14:26] Universa Vanalten: ok got it
[14:26] Universa Vanalten: behind Prng
[14:26] Ariel Miranda: :-)
[14:26] Rocket Sellers: yikes
[14:26] Rocket Sellers: i'd hate to see a room full of that UV
[14:27] Universa Vanalten: i'm with you far the only one i've seen
[14:27] Ariel Miranda: There's a HUD available at Ordinal Malaprop's can look her up in Search.
[14:27] Caledonia Heron: bye everyone :)
[14:27] Universa Vanalten: i'm fairly sure thre are/will be much better ones for sl
[14:27] Universa Vanalten: thx Ariel
[14:27] Ariel Miranda: yvw :-)
[14:27] Universa Vanalten: c u Cal
[14:28] Ariel Miranda: Later everyone...take care!
[14:28] Universa Vanalten: hey thx Rocketr
[14:28] Rocket Sellers: that's a HUD
[14:28] Universa Vanalten: will check it out
[14:28] Rocket Sellers: you tweet from in SL
[14:28] Rocket Sellers: i don't even wanna try it
[14:28] Rocket Sellers: :P
[14:28] Universa Vanalten: hmmmmwill keep pursuing this
[14:29] Inigo Chamerberlin est connecté(e)
[14:29] Universa Vanalten: gr8 meeting fo0lks...i'm outta here
[14:29] Rocket Sellers: same here
[14:29] PaulGG Dreamscape: Hey, Completely off topic, but you know what I would love to be able to do? I'd love to be able to both take windows out of the SL window, and spread the SL windo over poth monitors...
[14:29] Rocket Sellers: thanks for all your tolerance and open mindedness
[14:29] Universa Vanalten: PaullGG who r u on Twitter again?
[14:29] Greyark Hightower: Later all. My don needs someone to air lift him out of the crib.
[14:29] Greyark Hightower: son
[14:29] Rocket Sellers: that's an offer you can't refuse
[14:29] Rocket Sellers: haha
[14:29] Rocket Sellers: bye
[14:29] Universa Vanalten: c u Grey ;^)
[14:30] Greyark Hightower: And all his stuffed friends.
[14:30] PaulGG Dreamscape: PaulGraham and OpenLuna
[14:30] Cindy Bolero: when you do that Paul, you avvie gets split down the middle
[14:30] Universa Vanalten: thx...will follow u ;^)
[14:30] Universa Vanalten: bye ;^)
[14:30] PaulGG Dreamscape: but seveal people tweetfromOpenLuna.
[14:30] PaulGG Dreamscape: The core team all have the login.
[14:30] Universa Vanalten: got it
[14:34] Zen Zeddmore est déconnecté(e)
[14:35] PaulGG Dreamscape: Well, I think "m out as well.
[14:35] PaulGG Dreamscape: Good day all...
[14:37] Teleport to <245.43857, 106.56682, 22.40401>: Right-click and select "Go" to teleport
[14:44] You decline ~ THE STONE CIRCLE, MILK WOOD MARKET, THISTLE DOWN from A group member named Aianna Oh.
[14:47] Rocket Sellers est déconnecté(e)


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